Some photos from the BGS-QD Pride Reading

Last night was great! What better way to celebrate Pride month than reading fierce, audacious, queer stories in what must be the queerest bookstore in New York City (if not the United States, the world?).

Many thanks to our fearless leader Tom Cardamone (The Lurid Sea, Green Thumb), and the owners of Bureau of General Services – Queer Division Greg and Donnie!

I’ll keep this post-event dispatch brief, just sharing a few photos from the event with captions.

BGS-QD Sandwich Board

BGS-QD Panel

Here are all the authors (l to r): Nora Olsen (Maxine Wore Black), Ann Apkater (Cantor Gold series), Tom Cardamone (The Lurid Sea), Nell Stark (The Princess Deception), Alexa Black (The Outcasts), and me

BGS-QD Deniro Hello

My favorite shot from the night. We invited folks from the audience to join us to give President Trump a Robert Deniro Hello from the queer literary community. You can see some of the cool artwork on display throughou the shop.

Pride Month Reading at BGS-QD

New Yorkers looking for a little something literary to do on a Tuesday night: Next Tuesday, June 19th, I’ll be on a panel of authors talking about LGBTQ+ lit and reading from our latest work. For me, that’s The Sim Ru Prophecy (Werecat #4), which is celebrating its one-year book birthday this month. 🙂

Here’s the Facebook event page. It’s hosted by the fabulous Bureau of General Services-Queer Division at the NYC LGBT Community Center (208 W. 13th Street). The line-up of authors gives you some lesbian crime fiction (Ann Akpater’s Criminal Gold), some gay erotica (Tom Cardamone’s The Lurid Sea), some lesbian YA (Nora Olsen’s Frenemy of the People), and of course gay paranormal adventure from me!

We will of course have signed copies of our books for sale, so you can pick up The Trilogy: Werecat Books 1-3 and The Sim Ru Prophecy. The event is also a benefit for BGSQD, with 40 percent of sales going to the not-for-profit queer literary organization, so it’s also a great way to support the community this Pride month.


Photography from Bold Strokes Books’ Mixed Grill

Some photos from last night’s event at Bureau of General Services-Queer Division, courtesy of my honey Genaro.


Featured books on display

Me, reading from The Seventh Pleiade

Me, reading from The Seventh Pleiade

Me, reading from The Seventh Pleiade

Full length shot of me so you can see my cool jeans

All of the authors

All the authors, from l to r, Daniel W. Kelly, Nora Olsen, Andrew J. Peters, David Swatling, Joel Dossi-Gomez, Jeremy Jordan King, Trinity Tam and Nell Stark

Save the Date: Bold Strokes Books “Mixed Grill” on September 4th

Bold Strokes Books

If you’ve been wondering why I’ve been scandalously MIA, it’s because I’ve been devoting most of my writing time to the manuscript for The Seventh Pleiade follow-up, plus, well, it’s summer.

I haven’t completely boxed myself up from the world, and I’ve signed on to this event which I’m quite excited about.

On September 4th, 7:00pm at the Bureau for General Services: Queer Division, seven authors from Bold Strokes Books will be reading from their latest releases and signing copies of their books. It’s billed as a “Mixed Grill” with a wide selection of titles from gay and lesbian young adult, to gay horror, to lesbian romance and beyond.

The event is totally free, with a suggested book purchase. Here’s the Facebook page where you can RSVP.

Greg and Donnie from BGSQD always put on a great event at their funky bookstore slash event space. It’s worth dropping by just to check it out. 😉