Some upcoming appearances and other news

Hello again friends! I had to sneak away for a while due to some personal travel (Happy B’day Jurgen!!), and on the return, I received the edits for Werecat #4, which kept me busy for some time. That manuscript is off to the next stage of production. I’m excited, and, having gotten a bit of a rep for leaving loose ends in my books, I’m quite satisfied to say that this installment brings the Werecat saga to a close.

Saying that out loud–or I should say typing that out loud–I’m a little sad as well. Jacks has been a part of my life for five years, and now I’m finally saying goodbye to him. At least for the near future. It’s possible I suppose that a totally different adventure lays ahead of him, though I’ve queued up a good bit of work to do continuing my other series (Poseidon & Cleito and The Lost Histories) before I can think about expanding his story. Don’t forget: For a limited time, I’m providing new mailing list subscribers with a free copy of Werecat #1 as a thank you and a special promotion for the upcoming release of the final book. Just fill out the form up the page a little and to the right.

Meanwhile, I wanted to let folks know about two upcoming events I’ll be participating in.

First, I will be at the 2017 Saints and Sinners Literary Festival from March 24th – March 26th. This is an event I’ve been wanting to go to for several years. It was created to celebrate LGBT literature while bringing attention to HIV/AIDS specifically. That’s completely up my alley, and the festival takes place in New Orleans, which I’ve always wanted to visit. So, just a few days into the New Year, I decided to clear out my schedule and pony up the money for a flight and lodging because this is the year for me to go. The festival program will be released soon, so stay tuned for information on the panels, the workshops, and the special guests. They have already announced a terrific list of headliners: Dorothy Allison, Justin Torres, and Felice Picano, among others. I expect to be on an author panel where I’ll be talking about The City of Seven Gods. Here’s the festival website for preliminary information about this year’s event.

Next, the ninth annual New York City Rainbow Book Fair is on, and I’ll be there along with fellow Bold Strokes Books authors including my good pals Daniel W. Kelly and Eric Andrews-Katz. The fair has an expanded venue at John Jay College and will take place Saturday, April 29th. Programming for that event is also in progress, and you can find out more about it here.