Book Signing at the Rainbow Book Fair This Weekend!

2014 Rainbow Book Fair


I’ll be signing copies of The Seventh Pleiade at the Sixth Annual Rainbow Book Fair this Saturday. So if you’re in the area, I hope that you’ll stop by. The event runs all afternoon and features lots of interesting panels and exhibits, including a reading by author Edmund White.

I’ll be at the Bold Strokes Books booth from 4:00 to 5:00PM. Hope to see you there!

What’s your favorite big cat?

That’s the question to answer to win a chance for a free copy of my latest release Werecat: The Glaring.

The contest is going on this week over at LGBT romance blogger Elisa Rolle’s popular site. Check it out!

Elisa was the first blogger to take notice of the Werecat series début Werecat: The Rearing back in June 2013. It made good sense to celebrate the release of Book 2 at her blog. While over there, you’ll see that Elisa also coordinates the annual Rainbow Book Awards.

Here’s the back cover blurb from Werecat: The Glaring:

Free from Benoit, the man who made him a shifter, twenty-two-year old Jacks tries to get on his own two feet while crashing with Farzan, the only person who knows about his werecat nature. It will take a grueling schedule of off-the-books jobs and a steady mantra of self-control.

Then a raid on a bodega pushes Jacks to transform into his mountain lion self to fend off a group of gun-wielding gangbangers.

Jacks scrambles to disguise the truth, but the incident leaves a thundering wake of questions. The police want to know what really happened to a freaked-out young thug in custody. Farzan, who has been crushing hard on Jacks since they met, begins to doubt that it’s safe to have Jacks living with him. Jacks wants to know where he belongs: with the man who took him in when no one else would or among his own kind. As he searches for answers, Jacks is confronted by a secret shifter society The Glaring. They have come to avenge the death of Jacks’ maker and to claim a powerful item that Benoit left behind.

And here’s my favorite big cat. 🙂

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Jacks is Back: Release Day for Werecat, Book 2

I’m happy to announce that the next installment in my Werecat series is out today.

Werecat: The Glaring continues Jacks Dowd’s adventure in the terrifying and erotic world of shifters.

Werecat: The Glaring

Free from Benoit, the man who made him a shifter, twenty-two-year old Jacks tries to get on his own two feet while crashing with Farzan, the only person who knows about his werecat nature. It will take a grueling schedule of off-the-books jobs and a steady mantra of self-control.

Then a raid on a bodega pushes Jacks to transform into his mountain lion self to fend off a group of gun-wielding gangbangers.

Jacks scrambles to disguise the truth, but the incident leaves a thundering wake of questions. The police want to know what really happened to a freaked-out young thug in custody. Farzan, who has been crushing hard on Jacks since they met, begins to doubt that it’s safe to have Jacks living with him. Jacks wants to know where he belongs: with the man who took him in when no one else would or among his own kind. As he searches for answers, Jacks is confronted by a secret shifter society The Glaring. They have come to avenge the death of Jacks’ maker and to claim a powerful item that Benoit left behind.

You can buy the e-book for $2.99 at All Romance E-Books, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. Some fun promotions will be coming soon!

Many thanks to the team at Vagabondage Press for bringing this latest project to life: my editor N. Apythia Morges, book cover designer Maggie Ward, and managing editor Fawn Neun.