#WorldIPDay #AmericaCreates

I’m participating in the #AmericaCreates campaign in celebration of World IP Day. World IP Day was created to raise awareness of the importance of intellectual property rights, which are invaluable to sustaining the work of artists, authors, musicians, inventors and many other innovators.

You may have to blow up the photo to read my list. It was easy for me to pick out favorites in most of the categories, but it’s always hard to pick just one of my favorite songs (I chose one by REM, which is my very favorite American rock band). Also tough to choose my favorite invention, so I went with something less serious, and more tasty.

Check out the photos and videos streaming through Twitter today!


Werecat Made it to the Readers’ Choice Final Round

Many thanks to all my fans, friends and family who helped Werecat: The Trilogy become a finalist in The Romance Reviews’ annual Readers’ Choice awards!

Now the book competes in a final round with voting open through April 30th.

Werecat was nominated in the category of GLBT-Action Adventure. Would you help by giving it a vote here? There’s no cash prize, but even more valuable, winning the award gives a huge boost of exposure to the series, and of course there’s some bragging rights involved. 🙂

Thanks so much!