“Atlantis Fandom Makes a Comeback”

There have been crickets chirping over here while I’ve been gearing up and now starting the semester, plus editing a new novel and lining up some guest posts for The Seventh Pleiade.

On that latter score, head over to speculative fiction blog Layers of Thought to check out my guest article: “Atlantis Fandom Makes a Comeback,” wherein I talk about the ebb and flow of interest in Atlantis and why this is the right time for Atlantis stories to make a big splash.

(hardee har har…sorry about that).

An Amazing Night of Fantasy at the REZ Reading Series

Photo from Jan. 9th REZ Reading Series

From L to R, Nora Olsen, Daniel W. Kelly, Tim Fredrick, Charlie Vazquez and Andrew J. Peters

No other way to describe it, tonight’s fantasy-themed program at the REZ Reading Series was amazing!

Tim Fredrick read from his near-future technology dystopia short story. Daniel W. Kelly gave an excerpt from his paranormal horror recent release No Place for Little Ones. Nora Olsen read from her young adult science fiction novel Swans and Klons. Charlie Vazquez shared a passage from his book of Puerto Rican folklore-inspired paranormal shorts. I read the first few pages from my young adult fantasy The Seventh Pleiade.

Many thanks to all the readers, our fabulous audience, the wonderful folks at Odradek’s Coffee House and REZ Reading Series founder Deborah Emin!