Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays

I will be traveling the next few days to visit mom and dad and old friends in my hometown Buffalo, New York.

A parting gift for me: my Goodreads Werecat giveaway ended last night, and the book is headed off to a winner in Romania! I wasn’t counting on that extra postage, but I’m excited that Werecat is headed overseas, perhaps appropriately to the Transylvania region. 🙂

Thanks so much for a terrific year. You supported the release of The Glaring (Werecat, Book 2) in March, The Fugitive (Werecat, Book 3) in November, and just recently the special edition paperback The Trilogy.

Through the year there have been blog hops, and I’ve had the chance to write for some awesome sites like The Good Men Project, GayYA and Dear Teen Me. Of course, the big project has been finishing my manuscript for the follow-up to The Seventh Pleiade. That is almost done and will be coming out in late 2015!

Wishing you a safe, peaceful, dreamy holiday!

xoxo Andrew

Werecat Promo Tour

Since Werecat: The Trilogy came out in November, I’ve organized a blog hop of sorts. I wanted to share that there are lots of opportunities to win yourself a freebie as I celebrate this milestone in the series.

First, closing out December 21st, you can enter to win a giveaway of the first installment of the saga The Rearing at Paranormal Cravings #WeresEvent2014.

Just yesterday, the awesome folks at Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews ran a feature on the series and they have a rafflecopter drawing December 18th – 20th for The Rearing as well.

I put together a Goodreads giveaway of an autographed copy of The Trilogy that will run December 22nd – 24th. It’s open to readers in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia and many other places around the globe.

You can enter it here:

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Werecat by Andrew J. Peters


by Andrew J. Peters

Giveaway ends December 24, 2014.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Finally, you can snag a copy at The Novel Approach on December 27th when they are doing a feature on the series.

Best of luck. And if you have already bought a copy, you could make this author one happy boy by posting your honest review/rating of the book at Amazon, Goodreads or anywhere you talk about books. 🙂

If you ever wondered what I’m doing when I’m not blogging

I haven’t been posting much lately, and that’s not because this little blog hasn’t been on my mind.

It’s due in part to the fact that I’ve been doing the last round of manuscript-polishing on my follow up to The Seventh Pleiade. I finalized the title and the cover art with my publisher last month. The book shall be: Banished Sons of Poseidon, and it picks up the story from the perspective of a supporting character who has a very big adventure of his own in the world where the survivors of Atlantis take asylum. Some preview material and a cover reveal will be coming shortly. It’s on the production schedule for late 2015!

In nearly equal measure, I’ve been pulled away from posting here while I’ve been hopping around other media in the hope of taking advantage of platforms with a bigger reach than this little-engine-that-could.

In October, I did an interview on BlogTalkRadio’s People You Should Know.

In November, I was over at Queer Sci Fi talking about the release of Werecat: The Trilogy. 

This month, I sat down in the ‘Comfy Chair’ at author Elin Gregory’s awesome blog Telling it Like it Was, and I wrote a guest post for the #WeresEvent2014 at Paranormal Cravings.

Later, I’ll be a guest at ARe Café (All Romance e-Books) on December 19th, and I have a feature lined up at Sinfully Sexy Books.

From the time I started this blog—five years ago!—I wanted to respect the fact that there are tons of really good blogs already out there. I knew that I could write about what I’ve learned about the craft of writing, or fantasy and gay fiction specifically, or the little bit of wisdom I’ve gained regarding marketing and the business end of being a writer. But there’s always been a little voice inside me saying: “If it’s not worth someone’s time to read it, don’t write it.” There are a whole lot of people talking about those topics, and most of the time they’re talking about them with a whole lot more insight and panache than I possess.

So, you will still see news about my books when cool stuff happens. You’ll see ‘extras’ about the characters and the worlds of my books, and photos and videos from events I’ve attended. I expect you’ll also see the occasional opinion piece about LGBT portrayals in literature and film, and causes that inspire me, and curious little things about my favorite subjects like ancient worlds, Atlantis and of course cats.

And today, by way of sharing a random, passing obsession, you’ll see Corey Hart.