Atlantis Teaser – BBC One

I’ve been waiting quite impatiently for the BBC’s Atlantis series.

This video that came out last week doesn’t even qualify as a trailer, I think. They’re calling it a ‘teaser;’ even at that, at eleven seconds, it doesn’t give much of anything away. Kind of like Natalie Wood in her début as burlesque performer Gypsy Rose.

Anyway, I’m still excited to see how the creators will re-imagine Atlantis. And here’s the teaser:

Embedly Powered

And here’s Gypsy Rose 🙂

Embedly Powered

Some Photos from Last Night’s Reading

The launch of the Full Moon Paranormal Reading series last night was a lot of fun. Many thanks to co-organizers Marlena Fitzpatrick and Charlie Vazquez!

There were readings of retold folk legends by Fitzpatrick and Vazquez, and I read a couple of passages from Werecat: The Rearing. The Open Mic portion of the event featured narrated paranormal experiences. Some people talked about ghostly encounters. Others shared psychic episodes. There was a poet Gabriel Amor who read some of his work which dealt with love and sex as spiritual experiences. The friendly, intimate atmosphere created lots of discussion among participants.

My video from the event didn’t work out so well, but I have some photos. The last two are courtesy of Marlena Fitzpatrick. You can see some of the lovely back patio at La Casa Azul Bookstore in East Harlem.

Andy Readingfullmoon2fullmoon1

Vote for “Werecat: The Rearing” at Fetch Me My Fainting Couch

I’m shameless enough to ask people to buy my books.

I’m shameless enough to ask readers to review my books.

And now, I realize I’m shameless enough to ask you to vote for Werecat: The Rearing on a romance review blog.

I just picked up this Google alert tonight. Blogger “BarklessWagmore” (from Fetch Me My Fainting Couch) has picked out recent releases that caught her interest. She’s asking her visitors to vote for the book they’re dying for her to review. Yep, Werecat: The Rearing is one of the choices. 🙂

Will you head over there to cast your vote? Pretty please? Thank you!

“In a Wine Phase” Re-Running in Retrospective “Best of Wilde Oats”

My short story “In a Wine Phase” was chosen to be published in Wilde Oats Issue 14. The issue features the editors’ favorite submissions over the e-zine’s past six years.

Many thanks to Stanley Ridge and his editorial staff!

“In a Wine Phase” is a contemporary, realistic story (yeah, I write realistic stories every now and again). It’s a quick peek into the life of thirty-something Ryan who has a surprise encounter at a cruisy bar that rattles his notions of loyalty and family. The story is really short so saying more would give it all away. You can read it on-line for free here, and check out the entire issue. There are stories ranging from historical fiction, sci fi,, romance and plenty of contemporary fiction.

Artwork from Wilde Oats #14

Artwork from Wilde Oats #14 by Rowan Plantagenet

Come out to the Full Moon Paranormal Storytelling Series

Full Moon Paranormal Storytelling SeriesI’m really excited to be participating in Marlena Fitzpatrick’s Full Moon Paranormal Storytelling Series.

It’s an open-mic style reading/storytelling event with a paranormal/horror theme. I’ll be reading a passage of Werecat: The Rearing along with featured authors Marlena Fitzpatrick and Charlie Vazquez.

The event takes place on August 21st 6:00 – 8:00pm at La Casa Azul Bookstore in Manhattan.Tickets are just $7 and can be purchased in advance here.

Come out for some great paranormal readings!