Monthly Archives: March 2013
The George Wayne Interview: Jacks Dowd
I love Vanity Fair, and one of my favorite features is the George Wayne interview.
George Wayne is described as “a chronicler of global café society,” a “distinguished cultural arbiter,” (both from Vanity Fair) and an “invasive celebrity interrogator” (New York Magazine). He can be counted on to pose off-color and sexually-provocative questions to anyone, from A-list Hollywood actors to right-wing politicians. He’s kind of a forerunner to Sasha Cohen Baron’s Borat with a less intentionally clueless deviousness and more self-winking camp.
So I thought it would be fun to imagine Wayne interviewing the hero Jacks Dowd from my upcoming Werecat: The Rearing.
Wayne: So Jacks, you’re a gay college student. Tell us what the young gays are doing for fun these days.
Dowd: I was a college student. But I dropped out in my last semester. I went to a pretty small college in upstate New York so there wasn’t a whole lot going on. House parties. Sometimes we’d go up to Montréal–
Wayne: I’ve heard there are now gay fraternities. Isn’t that concept redundant?
Dowd: They didn’t have any gay fraternities at Calverton University. They had a Gay-Straight Alliance.
Wayne: In my day, a Gay-Straight Alliance was something that happened in the backrooms of Merv Griffin’s studio. Or was it a hustler service for Republican politicians? Anyway, have you ever been spanked?
Dowd: (guffaws) Yeah.
Wayne: I promised myself I wasn’t going to ask this question. But I can’t help myself so let’s just get it out of the way. Your story is called Werecat. What is a gay man doing in a book about pussy?
Dowd: It’s about feline shapeshifters. I don’t have sex with women if that’s what you’re asking.
Wayne: Thank God. I knew a man on Fire Island who used to dress up as Cat Woman and pull a chariot down the boardwalk offering people free rides. Is that the kind of werecat we’re talking about?
Dowd: No.
Wayne: So what are the young werecats doing for fun these days?
Dowd: I would have no idea. If you read the book, my boyfriend and I spend most of the time hanging out in an abandoned building.
Wayne: Oooh! I did that in the early 90’s. It’s like a rave, right?
Dowd: No. It’s not like a rave.
Wayne: Did anyone ever tell you: you’re a lousy interview?
Dowd: Did anyone ever tell you: you’re a sexually-obsessed old queen who asks lousy questions?
Wayne: Touché. [roots out a business card from his pocket] Here’s my number if you’re ever in the mood for Grandpa trade. I’ll bring the catnip.
Dowd: [takes the card and crumples it up in his fist] No thanks. Is this over?
The Seventh Pleiade on Amazon and GoodReads
I was delighted to discover that my upcoming title The Seventh Pleiade is up on Amazon and GoodReads.
It won’t be available until November 19th, and the listings are sorely in need of cover art and other goodies. But you can pre-order the book and/or mark it as “Want to Read.” I’d love it if you would! It was also nice to discover a list of customers who have already added it to their to-read list. 🙂
Two Boys Kissing: Cover Art for David Levithan’s Upcoming Release
I caught this bit of news while researching review blogs for my upcoming releases. This makes me happy on a bunch of levels.
David Levithan is a hugely talented author who helped bring a wave of LGBT fiction to young adult readers in the new millennium, along with authors like Peter Cameron, Malinda Lo and Alex Sanchez. I really enjoyed Levithan’s near-future, political drama Wide Awake, and his titles are always fluttering around my reading queue. With so many fantasy books for me to catch up on, I just haven’t had the time to read more of his work. But Two Boys Kissing, with its groundbreaking cover, will definitely be purchased by me.
To my knowledge (and please correct me if I’m wrong), it’s the first young adult book with a same-sex kiss on its cover, for a traditionally-published title and/or for a title from an author who writes mainstream, literary fiction.
So yeah, there’s some qualifications there, and I don’t mean to suggest it’s less important that small press or indie or young adult-romance authors/publishers may have portrayed same-sex love just as explicitly on their book covers prior to Levithan’s book.
In fact, here’s one recent kissing cover I retrieved from a search of Bold Strokes Books’ young adult Soliloquy imprint. It’s from an anthology of gay romance stories.
The mainstream publishing industry is inherently more conservative and resistant to change. That’s why I think it’s a bold and an important move by Levithan and his publisher Knopf Books to feature a photo of two boys kissing on Levithan’s book cover. It breaks what feels like a perennial double standard.
While young adult books are sensibly less sexually-graphic than adult books in terms of cover art, boy-girl kisses don’t raise much of a ruckus; and really, what’s the matter with portraying an innocent kiss?
A quick survey of some upcoming young adult releases turned up this cover from Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Not quite a kiss perhaps, but the suggestion is pretty apparent, and it’s hardly making Entertainment Weekly news for pushing boundaries within young adult lit. (There are a ton of boy-girl kisses on young adult romance book covers, but I wanted to go with a more contemporary, literary title comparable to Levithan’s Two Boys Kissing).
I hope the cover for Two Boys Kissing will usher in a trend of more romantic LGBT-young adult cover art. I think about my own experience searching for books about gay teens way back when I was coming out, and wondering if other people like me existed, and if romantic love was possible between two boys. It took a lot of guesswork browsing libraries and bookstores, wondering if a slightly fey or troubled-looking guy on the cover might mean that there was a story in there that related to me. I think it’s a huge sign of progress that our stories no longer have to be coded and tragic.
There’s an interesting story on the making of the cover for Two Boys Kissing. You can read about it in Entertainment Weekly’s article here.
Do you have a favorite young adult same-sex kissing cover you want to share? Let me know, and I will happily post it!
Atlantis series coming to BBC
Now this is really cool news. BBC is producing a fantasy series based on the legend of Atlantis. Atlantis will be a thirteen x forty-five minute episode mini-series. It’s scheduled for broadcast in the fall.
Here’s the blurb that was released on Telly Surfer:
The city of Atlantis is a mysterious, ancient place: a world of bull leaping, of snake haired goddesses and of palaces so vast it was said they were build by giants. It’s into this strange, compelling realm tha the young Jason arrives and a amazing adventure begins, bringing to life the vast store of Greek myths and legends re-imagined in 45 minute episodes for a new generation.
According to, Atlantis will be picked up by BBC Worldwide for international viewers. I hope that means we’ll be able to see it in the US soon!
This, along with my previous note about T.A. Barron’s upcoming Atlantis book, gives me great hope that 2013 will be a big year for rekindled interest in Atlantis, including my YA novel The Seventh Pleiade.
BBC previously aired an Atlantis movie Atlantis End of a World, Birth of a Legend in 2010. I didn’t catch it, but it’s described as a historical drama based on the theory that a volcanic eruption near Crete (the destruction of the Ancient Minoans) was the source of the story. I posted the movie trailer below.