My Own Little Blog Hop

I’ve been idle for a while here, but that’s mainly because I’ve been skipping around town lately to promote The Seventh Pleiade. Many thanks to the generous folks who opened their doors to guest posts, interviews and giveaways.

If you haven’t caught me tweeting or FB’ing about it, here they are: (and did you know I have a Facebook author page? I’d love it if you ‘liked’ it. Please?)

Brandon Shire: Brandon is a gay fiction author, and he was good enough to look at a review copy of The Seventh Pleiade and run an interview with me. We got to talking about modern versus ancient world sensibilities and came up with the title: “Wasn’t Gay Marriage Legal in Ancient Greece?”

The Old Bat’s Belfry: If you’re an epic fantasy fan, you should know about The Old Bat’s Belfry where “grandmom” blogger Shari talks about what’s going on in the genre. I pitched my book to her, and she very kindly ran two pieces last week.

The first was a Spotlight Post on The Seventh Pleiade. The second was sitting me for her “Wacky Interview” series, which was lots of fun.

True Colorz: Last but not least, LGBT young adult blog True Colorz has an author interview and giveaway drawing for The Seventh Pleiade running from Feb. 24th to March 2nd. You can enter it here.

True Colorz is a wonderful site run by LGBT fiction authors Jeff Erno and Madison Parker. In addition to raising awareness of good books for LGBT teens, the site lets people know about charitable organizations across the country that fight homophobia and provide lifesaving services.

Now here’s something for your listening pleasure…

Embedly Powered


Werecat, Book 2 Cover Reveal!

I just received the final cover art for the second installment in my Werecat series.

It now can be revealed…


It’s the same model from The Rearing with a new profile and a hint at what’s to come in Jacks “Cherokee” Dowd’s latest adventure. All credit to Maggie Ward at Vagabondage Press. We went back and forth a bit conceptually, but Maggie put in the real work making the cover come to life.

Werecat: The Glaring will be available for purchase February 28th. I’m hugely excited about it. Some more hints about the story and promotions will be coming soon!


Catch Me on YA Highway!

YA Highway

I’m super happy to have a guest post article on YA Highway this week!

Check out: “Waiting for the Breakthrough LGBT Hero: LGBT Teens and Equality.” It’s a reflection on my life as an activist, and now an LGBT YA activist particularly, and the progress and continuing challenges toward reaching cultural equality.

Many thanks to Kate Hart and the rest of the YA Highway gang for the opportunity to address their readership.