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6 thoughts on “CONTACT

  1. Hi! I’m Bryan Davis)

    I like your site! I find it very useful and interesting.
    Could I suggest some topics for you? Of course, in case you accept guest posts. Please let me know, if you are interested in my offer.
    I am looking forward to your answer.

  2. Hi Bryan – Thanks for dropping by, and I’m glad you like the website.

    Feel free to e-mail me at with your ideas. I generally have not collaborated with outside writers, and over the past couple of years, have moved toward having the site just being a ‘landing pad’ for my books. But if you’re an author who writes on similar topics/genres, I may be open to some sort of collaboration. Thanks again.

  3. Dear Andrew – I’m still new enough at this writing game to feel a little emotional when people bother to read my stories and review them in the considered (and positive!) way you recently reviewed ‘Polyamory on Trial’. I read the review in ‘Out in Print’.
    You comment that almost everything is seen from the PoV of the quad. I’ll be honest. I couldn’t have approached ‘Poly’ any differently: I’m simply not a skilled enough writer. My four men are crystal clear inside my head. I know exactly what they will say and do, but as nobody else is present with such clarity, I’m reluctant to give other characters a voice. Coincidentally, though, the next story (tbp at the end of March) does see the quad from the outside. As I was writing the crime-elements parts (an art fraud involving Raith) , I kept asking myself how I would view these four men. I am ace, so the outside view has an ace perspective. Hence the title – ‘Ace in the Picture’. It isn’t exactly #own voice, but there are enough similarities for me to feel that I have represented one type of asexuality accurately, and for me to feel, therefore, that I’m not being fraudulent.
    It’s a shame you only review a few stories a year. I’ll probably pay for a NetGalley Spotlight or listing, so if you should fancy the read, or know of someone who might do, then thank you.
    Best wishes

  4. Dear Andrew,
    My name is Clint Hammock. I use C. E. Hammock on my webpage. I guess it sounds more literary.
    I have been looking at you website andrewjpeterswrites and have included it as part of a resource page that I have been compiling of webpages and blogs on the topic of gay/LGBT fiction.
    I am just sending you a brief message to tell you I linked to your About page in the section of links to blogs by currently working gay male writers. Here is the page:
    I wanted to gather together interesting articles, resources and book list for my own and other readers use on the topics related to LGBT fiction. I end up with more material than I anticipated and the resource currently spans across three pages.
    If you want to share any of the pages feel free to do so.
    If you have any feedback or suggestions feel free to email me.
    C. E. Hammock

  5. Hi Clint – Glad you found my site. I’m quite happy to be part of your resource page. Many thanks for including me!

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