On Writing About Atlantis

Just a quick post to say my short essay “On Writing About Atlantis” went live on the Bold Strokes Authors Blog today. This is in anticipation of my young adult fantasy The Seventh Pleiade, which is upcoming in November!

So stop by the blog, drop a comment, let me know what you think about the legend of Atlantis. 🙂

Group Photo from Boundless Tales

The September 19th Boundless Tales event was an amazing experience!

I was in a line up with four tremendously talented writers and/or poets. The vibe was enthusiastic and supportive. Many thanks to the fabulous co-hosts Aida Zilelian and Audrey Dimola. One of the nicest parts of the event was milling around during intermission and after the show with people from the audience and the other writers. What a great feeling of community!

Here’s a group shot of all the readers.

Group shot from Boundless Tales

Left to right: Joanna Valente, Aida Zilelian, Audrey Dimola, John Gorman, M Leona Godin, me and Thomas Fucarola

Join me at Boundless Tales this month!

My apologies for disappearing for a little while. I took a Labor Day trip up to Buffalo, returned to an apartment under siege by contractors (which means showering at a friend’s house down the block), and I had to hole up for a few days to do the final proofreading of The Seventh Pleiade (yay!).

In the midst of that jazz, I booked a reading at the Boundless Tales series for September. All are welcome to come to the Waltz Astoria, in Astoria, NY on Thursday, September 19th 7:30 – 9:30pm. You can check out the event posting here.

I’ve been too busy to get nervous about it (yet). The theme of September’s reading is: “my private war.” I’ll be reading an excerpt from Werecat: The Rearing, which deals with a young man’s struggle with his hybrid nature.

Meanwhile, I thought I’d post my latest obsession to bring some music to my blog. In my wild fantasies, I see this song figuring into the Werecat soundtrack. 🙂

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