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Month: March 2018

Telemachus and His Mother’s Suitors

Hey folks! Continuing with my retold myth project for 2018, I’m posting my next recently completed story: “Telemachus and His Mother’s Suitors.”

I remember reading The Odyssey in high school and being much more enchanted and engrossed than I had been with its partner required text The Iliad. I liked The Iliad for its style and language, the interplay between gods and mortals, and some bits of drama (the Achilles vs. Agammemnon storyline stayed with me the most). But you’ve got to admit: the battle scene passages of “he smote him, and he smote him…” go on and on and are mind-numbing. For me, they kind of took away from the more interesting dynamics between the characters.

Werecat #1 hits 10,000 downloads!

I thought I’d share this big milestone, as I’ve posted previously over the year about my progress with new marketing strategies for my Werecat series. You can find my first post from last summer here, and another update from last September here. I recently received my royalty statement from the second half of 2016, and the big update is that The Rearing (Werecat #1) has now been downloaded 10,000 times at e-retailers!