Yes, It’s release day for my very first short story anthology!

Slashed and MashedBoom. Pow. It’s out!

Seven gayly subverted stories from around the world in one neon pink-slashed collection.

Get into your comfies, set your cell on vibrate, and curl up with it on the surface of your choice. My preference is our living room sofa next to the radiator. Our cat Chloë likes that too.

Here’s what you can expect.

What really happened when Theseus met the Minotaur? How did demon-slaying Momotarō come to be raised by two daddies? Will Scheherazade’s hapless Ma’aruf ever find love and prosperity after his freeloading boyfriend kicks him out on the street? Classic lore gets a bold remodeling with stories from light-hearted and absurd, earnestly romantic, daring and adventurous, to darkly surreal.

The collection includes: Theseus and the Minotaur, Károly, Who Kept a Secret, The Peach Boy, The Vain Prince, The Jaguar of the Backward Glance, Ma’aruf the Street Vendor, and A Rabbit Grows in Brooklyn.

Award-winning fantasy author Andrew J. Peters (The City of Seven Gods) takes on classical mythology, Hungarian folklore, Japanese legend, The Arabian Nights, and more, in a collection of gayly subverted stories from around the world.

Sound all right? Pick up a copy for yourself at the NineStar webstore or Amazon or or iTunes, etc.

I’ll be sharing some behind the scenes scoop all this month, and for today, I thought I’d talk about a song that inspired the mood of the last story in the collection: “A Rabbit Grows in Brooklyn.”

It’s about a Puerto Rican guy in his late twenties who leaves his Pennsylvania hometown to move to New York City for a job as an assistant professor at a community college. He’s also dipping his toes into living his life as an openly gay man.

Then an encounter with a strange vagrant in the neighborhood leads to a series of mystifying and surreal events.

One of the story elements is that vagrant character Rabbit plays a haunting song on his beat up guitar that becomes a darkly romantic backdrop. I found it searching for Brazilian folk songs and fell in love with it. “Nesta Rua,” sometimes called “Se Esta Rua Fosse Minha” (“On This Street” or “If This Street Were Mine”) has been re-arranged and performed widely, but the original song writer is unknown. It’s a traditional Children’s rhyme or folk song. Anyway, give it a listen. What better version to share than openly gay songwriter and actor Jay Brannan playing it in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

My Year in Books

For three (or so) years running, I’ve been sharing My Year in Books as organized and analyzed by Goodreads. It certainly does make it fun to look back on all the titles you’ve read and to realize it’s quite an achievement!

I actually nearly doubled my reading output in 2018. For the past two years, I finished thirteen books annually, and this year I read twenty-four (I might hit twenty-five if I find the time to finish a book on Hungarian history in the next week or so). That might be a slightly inflated improvement in that I did a lot of beta reading and awards program reading in previous years, and I usually didn’t log those titles in. But here’s my positive take-away: I got a lot more reading done on my commute back and forth to work, which can be one to two hours total each day, by spending less time with games and social media on my phone. 🙂

Another thing that probably helped was I took on writing reviews this year for the New York Journal of Books and Out in Print, in addition to occasional reviews for Queer Sci Fi. In total, I read eight titles for the purpose of reviews, which is definitely the most I’ve ever done in a year.

A lot of those were recommendable, and I’d say my favorite discovery was K.D. Edwards The Last Sun. It’s kind of an alternative history/urban fantasy that takes inspiration from Atlantean mythology, along with a ton of paranormal horror conventions–vampires, zombies, witches, etc.. It’s a début novel from Edwards, and his action-writing and suspense-building craft is vacuum tight. I’ll definitely be following where he goes with the series. You can read my full review here.

I read pretty purposefully, and this year I was eating up popular, historical, and #OwnVoices gay fantasy to consider titles for my curated Intro to Gay Fantasy list. Thirteen of the twenty-four books I read fall into that research category, and I thought three of those titles were worthy of adding to the project: Lawrence Schimel’s fairytale inspired short story collection The Drag Queen of Elfland, Ricardo Pinto’s Stone Dance of the Chameleon trilogy, which begins with The Chosen, and Philip Ridley’s In The Eyes of Mr. Fury.

All three of those titles are remarkable and appealing for different reasons. If you like heart-warming, young adult-ish magical fantasy, In the Eyes of Mr. Fury is the book you should drop everything to read RIGHT NOW. If you like dark, complex, slow-burning epic fantasy with a gay hero who breaks the mold, get cracking with Ricardo Pinto’s trilogy. Well, if I could take just one book with me to a desert island, I’ll say I’d be in good company with Stone Dance of the Chameleon.

So that leaves just three books that fall in the category of “read for pleasure,” and you see my dillemma. I don’t have much reading time to pick up new books by authors I like or try something different that might be fun. I did read Gregory Maguire’s re-imagined story of the Nutcracker Hiddensee (and LOVED IT). And I did finally get to read Marguerite Yourcenar’s Memoirs of Hadrian, which had been on my TBR list forever. That was a little dry, but still a mind-blowing work of literature, written with such authority and an authentic voice you can’t believe it’s not source material.

I’ll end with some fun by answering the question: what’s the strangest book I read last year? I actually have two.

First, while researching gay fantasy novels written before the 1960s, I came upon William Beckford’s Vathek. It was first published in 1792. Though I’m afraid that’s the only intriguing thing about Beckford’s bizarre, overly-written and ultimately unreadable tribute to arcane magic and horror.

Then, I chose a re-printing of a “gay pulp classic” from the 1960s – Neil J. Weston’s Naked Launch 2. – to review for Out in Print since Riverdale Avenue Books recently launched an imprint to re-release a series of pulp titles. It’s just about the most absurdly adolescent take on gay pirates I can imagine, but the story ended up winning me over. There’s a lot of heart and hopefulness in-between the copious scenes of pirate debauchery.

So that’s my year in books! This will be my last post of 2018 so let me say Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and Thank You Very Kindly for supporting my work. 🙂




In solidarity with Orlando, in opposition to hate

Anti-Terrorism-Day-21-Maypulsestop gun violence

Many excellent viewpoints on Orlando have come out since the tragedy yesterday, many of them written by people more eloquent and insightful than me. I need to write about this, but I’ll keep it brief.

A colleague shared an article that especially propelled me to write this. It was a list of tips for allies and spoke to the importance of sharing sadness, outrage, love, and solidarity on social media, because when you don’t, those affected see that too. If this post might help one person who lost someone they loved, or anyone who feels shattered and afraid, it will have been worth doing.

Yesterday, I felt brutalized. My sense of the world as a generally safe and predictable place was stripped away, and like most of us in the new normal of gun violence and terrorism, it wasn’t the first time. I live in New York City where the sound of police and ambulance sirens are commonplace. Yesterday, every siren pricked up my defenses and paranoia. I even worried about the dangers of venturing out for my commute to work the next day.

Orlando had a deeper impact on me than 9/11 and the more recent terrorism in Paris, which is not to say that those events did not frighten me and make me cry for the victims. The difference was that Orlando was an attack on an LGBT institution, and I’m a gay man.

I grew up in fear of violence. I was bullied in junior high for being effeminate, had my property vandalized, and listened to hatred and faggot jokes and threats throughout my life. For about two decades, I watched the media debate whether or not people like me deserved the right to live our lives or even to exist in the United States. On balance, I’ve had it better than many LGBTs, due in part to my privilege as a white, middle class, cisgender guy.

Still, one of the first thoughts that occurred to me yesterday was: haven’t we been brutalized enough?

To me, Orlando felt more similar to Charleston. The difference may be hard for non-gay or non-Black people to understand. But when individuals succeed in carrying out the hate that simmers just below the surface of so many people on a daily basis, the terror carves us deeper. We hear it in the rhetoric of political leaders and religious leaders. We see it in the faces and reactions of people we encounter everyday. Orlando and Charleston are frightening reminders that hatred can come unbottled at any moment and strike us down in a hail of bullets.

I chose the three images above about Orlando with a purpose. None of them are more or less important than any other. They are equally vital to be addressed.

We need to condemn terrorism, bring its perpetrators to justice, and strive for non-violent solutions. Further, foreign policy must recognize the legacy of exploitation that has contributed to destabilization and powerlessness, an environment where radicalization and desperation thrive.

We must speak out about the humanity, ‘deservedness,’ and vulnerability of LGBT people, inclusive of LGBTs of color. We must stand against all forms of transphobia, homophobia and racism, whether they are based on political ideology, individual beliefs, or so-called faith. Believing in a punishing, hateful god does not make your condemnation righteous. It makes you a punishing, hateful person who needs to get his head on straight if you want to live in a pluralistic society.

We need sane gun control policies. There is no reason why anyone outside of the military or law enforcement should own assault rifles.

I realize those three images and messages still oversimplify the meanings of what happened in Orlando, as well as Charleston, Boston, and elsewhere. Another issue is mental health and others may be illuminated in the days to come.

For now, I needed to say that I cannot fathom what the LGBT community is going through in Orlando, but I’m with you all the way.

If you’d like to support the victims and their families, Equality Florida has created a GoFundMe project that has happily raised nearly $3 million dollars at the time of this post.


The Seventh Pleiade sequel is moving forward

I have some BIG news forthcoming that I can’t wait to share. But lest you worry that my writer’s den is growing moss and cobwebs, I wanted to share that I spent the better part of the month working with editor Jerry Wheeler on a final draft of Banished Sons of Poseidon, the sequel to The Seventh Pleiade.

The manuscript now moves on for proofreading, then the front matter and back matter will get added and the cover will be finalized. It’s all on track for release on October 14, 2015!

Jerry was a huge help. The story is leaner and meaner, and he helped me tame my sometimes quirky vocabulary that can go off the rails from time to time. Banished Sons of Poseidon is up on Goodreads for adding to your to-read shelf. It’s also listed at a number of online retailers like Amazon for pre-order if you really want to get your copy early. 🙂


Buffalo Gay Men’s Book Club to Read The Seventh Pleiade

Gay Men's Book Club

It’s a great honor for me that the Buffalo Gay Men’s Book Club has chosen to read and discuss The Seventh Pleiade. This bit of buzz is extra special since I grew up in Buffalo and hold my hometown close to my heart.

If you’re in the Western New York area, you might want to check these guys out. You can find the group on Facebook and Goodreads. They rotate meetings around coffee shops in Buffalo and Amherst. They also post information about the group at the Pride Center of Western New York.

They’ll be reading The Seventh Pleiade starting February 20th and discussing the book on Thursday, March 19th at Panera Bread in Williamsville (5311 Main Street). I’ll be hanging around their boards on Goodreads to say hi and answer questions. Stop by and say hello!