Blog-a-rama: The Anniversary Edition

I started this site about a year ago when I got my first fiction publication and was told—by many—I needed to promote myself on the Internet.

It quickly morphed from an author blurb and a press release to a place where I wrote about my life as a writer, my interests, my lifestyle, my reading habits, and even some earnest, if not always successful, poetry.

There have been highs and…really only highs.   Sure, there have been occasional challenges figuring out the site mechanics—disappearing fonts, images that won’t re-size—and coming up with fresh content each weeks has had me up late on many a night.   But it’s totally been a labor of love.   And the cool thing is I now have my thoughts, celebrations and writing landmarks all in one place, a sort of on-line diary.

A big reward has been connecting with people.   I recently received an e-mail from a guy who liked my review of John Rechy’s City of Night and wanted to talk more about the book.   My goal for the upcoming year is to amp up the interaction on this site.   Lately, the only comments I get are spam.   Hooray for Akismet!   I’m filtering out as many as 20 spams a day.

So if you’ve been lurking for awhile, feeling bashful about sharing your opinion—good or bad—or even just want to say hello, drop me a comment.   It’s really quick and easy to register, and I promise I won’t bite your head off.   If you’ve got your own blog or website going, as long as it’s not selling Cialis or an anti-virus product, I’ll gladly check it out and give it a plug.

Big thanks to everyone who supported me along the way!!