The Seventh Pleaide is a best book of 2016

The Seventh Pleiade by Andrew J. Peters

I logged on-line and came across a nice discovery today. Author Ben Brock published a short list of his favorite books of 2016, and The Seventh Pleaide made his list.

A nice way to start out the New Year. 🙂

I can’t say I’ve been terribly productive so far in 2017, but I do have plans and took some time to putter around with my website in preparation (do you like the new header image?). I will have a special promotion and some exciting news to share later in the week so stay tuned.

In the meantime, Genaro and I are having our “last meal” tonight before going on the obligatory New Years’ resolution diet. Chinese take-out, and not any of the Weight Watchers’ approved items. Willpower begins tomorrow, let’s hope.

Wishing a very happy New Year to one and all.