The latest 411

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Hey folks!

I’ve been neglecting my website a bit as I haven’t had any big, shiny news to share in a little while. Still, it helps to keep this place alive and breathing. I thought I’d share some of the work I’ve been doing offline, and online elsewhere, come to think of it.

First, there is big, shiny news coming up, which I’ve hinted at before. I sold a title to NineStar Press last summer, and the book is working its way through production with a scheduled release date of late August-ish.

We’ve settled on a title: The Greatest Greek Love Story Ever Told, which plays with hyperbole, literary references, and the source material–the story is a modernized, gay retelling of the first ever, extant romance novel by a 1st century AD Greek author. Over the past month, I’ve been busy working with my editor to get the manuscript polished up and ready for the copyeditor. That stage is complete now. I’m looking forward to getting together with the cover artist next and sharing an early cover reveal over the summer! Lots more to come.

I’ve also been keeping busy with my Patreon campaign. I’m posting exclusive content there and just finished releasing my first serial, which is a retold short based on “Ma’aruf, the Street Cobbler” from The Arabian Nights.

I have five fabulous patrons so far to help me work toward my goal of publishing a collection of short stories based on classical myths and folklore. You can see a few of them here. I posted “Theseus and the Minotaur,” “Telemachus and his Mother’s Suitors,” and “Nerites” earlier this year.

Next up on Patreon, I have another short that I’ll be releasing as a serial, based on the Hungarian folk story: “The Boy who Could Keep a Secret.” In case you were wondering, yes, I could definitely use more patrons. The platform is super easy to use, you can make a pledge by credit card, and the most popular pledge is just one dollar. You can see my video and sign up here. 🙂

Last, related to that short story collection project, I have been working on new material, albeit at a somewhat slower pace. I’ve written a short based on Calypso from The Odyssey, I have a work-in-progress based on the Rabbit myth from Mayan folklore, and I’m playing around with a short re-boot of Beauty and the Beast, which can’t decide if it’s long or short actually.

So, my short story collection is getting there! Wishing all my visitors a happy Spring, happy Mother’s Day if it applies, and all good things. 🙂

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