This and That

The big news this week:  I’ll be writing a book review for La Bloga, the award-winning blog for Latino/Latina literature!!  La Bloga features news and views from a wide range of Hispanic authors and poets and has frequently included gay and lesbian writers such as Michael Nava.  I’ll be reviewing John Rechy’s groundbreaking City of Night.

Then, in the “boo hoo” category, I received my third rejection for MIKE’S POND.  My pity party lasted about 12 hours, and now I’m looking for another journal to sub to.

I’m closing in on the end of WHEN THE FALLEN ANGELS FLY.  280 pages.  72.5K words!!  I’m wrapping up the climactic scene, and I have the denouement to work out.  Feeling pretty optimistic about having the full first draft done by the end of the month.

What inspires me this week:  the Olympics.  My Honey-Bunny (HB) and I have been watching all of the events.  Plenty of tragedy and drama so far, from the heartbreaking death of Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili, the wipe-out of two Korean skaters in the short track final and Canadian skier Alexandre Bilodeau ending his country’s gold medal drought on the moguls.  I have to confess that it’s been hard for me to root on the US team.  Maybe it’s the strident TV coverage.  The US always comes across as cocky bullies, and I find myself pulling for the underdogs, which is pretty much athletes from every other country.  Big news – the US leads the medal count!  What a surprise.  We’re the wealthiest nation in the world with more resources going into athletic training than any other country in the world.  It takes a kid on skates in a sequined body suit with a pink tassel for me to get behind the US team.  Go Johnny Weir!!

2 thoughts on “This and That

  1. Very cool to read this! Ariba; sorry (my mom thought of using her rejection letters as wallpaper at one point); amazing; I’m missing the Olympics completely….

  2. Thanks for stopping by Gabrielle!! Yes, there are many ways to deal with rejection letters. Kurt Vonnegut is famous for suggesting that writers use them to wallpaper a small room and by the time the room is almost covered you will get an offer for publication. I don’t think my partner would go for that.

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