So this is what it feels like now that the Spring semester has started.
And why I haven’t posted anything for a couple of weeks.
In the meantime, some cool things have happened. Through my series of posts on mythological characters, I connected with an up-and-coming British artist Rhea Babla. We got to talking about Dionysius, and she did this illustration.
I love the colors, and the mix of styles. It almost scans to me like superimposed images.
So, besides balancing two jobs, I’ve been working on POSEIDON AND CLEITO here and there, and me and a friend of mine, the fabulous writer C.A. Clemmings, started organizing a critique group for LGBT fiction writers.
We’re looking for folks in the NYC area who can give and receive critique, support each other’s projects, and commit to critiquing 10-40 pages every two weeks and submitting their own work at least once every six weeks.
If you’re enthusiastic about LGBT fiction and it sounds like something you’d be into, drop me a line.
Happy Groundhog Day!