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Category: featured

On #OwnVoices in Gay Fantasy – A Look at Recent and New Data

I recently received a comment on my 2016 report on the State of #OwnVoices in Gay Fantasy. Then, I saw a lot of Twitter chatter about #OwnVoices in response to Helene Dunbar’s upcoming YA title about a gay boy coming of age in the early years of the AIDS epidemic, of which she made the unfortunate claim that no such stories have ever been written before.

I’m on Patreon!

Patreon is actually a really fun platform for both creators and supporters. It’s super easy to use, has a very reasonable entry point (just $1 makes a difference), and I came up with some interesting ways to share my work with readers including interactive storytelling. My main goals are to raise money for editing, book design, and marketing for the short story collection I’ve been talking about here at my blog; plus I want to get my follow up to The City of Seven Gods out into the world.

Werecat #1 hits 10,000 downloads!

I thought I’d share this big milestone, as I’ve posted previously over the year about my progress with new marketing strategies for my Werecat series. You can find my first post from last summer here, and another update from last September here. I recently received my royalty statement from the second half of 2016, and the big update is that The Rearing (Werecat #1) has now been downloaded 10,000 times at e-retailers!