Poseidon and Cleito now available everywhere!

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Ok. So maybe that’s a slight overstatement. But thanks to the incoming presidential administration, facts no longer matter, right? What matters is that you say things with conviction. And exclamation points!

From Trump Headquarters: Andrew J. Peters’ Poseidon and Cleito just made its worldwide release, and it’s going to be big. Really big. That’s what I’m hearing. I don’t know for sure, but it could be the biggest fantasy release in history, ever. All I’m saying is that’s what people are telling me. It’s a spectacular story. Maybe the most spectacular story ever written at any time, anywhere in the world. Are you ready for it? Because I’m telling you: this is really amazing, and you don’t want to miss it!

Nielsen Bookscan Fact-checker: Actually, initial reports from Poseidon and Cleito’s early release on Kindle Exclusive suggest modest sales. It’s true the book went on sale in December at some of the largest retailers in America, including BN.com, iBooks, and Kobo, but to say it’s available “everywhere” is an exaggeration and therefore inaccurate.

Trump Headquarters: Crooked Nielsen Bookscan is totally biased! Such nasty people! They’ll say anything to get attention for their failing company. Losing subscribers by the millions. Weak! Sad!

Yes, I’m writing a press release for my latest book using split personalities, and I could be descending into madness. But you know what? That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t buy the book!

In case you haven’t heard, Poseidon and Cleito is a re-imagined portait of the man who became one of the most important gods in classical mythology, and an illumination of his wife who was relegated to the margins. My earlier works (The Seventh Pleiade and Banished Sons of Poseidon) were concerned with the last days of Atlantis. Poseidon and Cleito explores the origin of the legend, and since the action takes place several thousand years earlier, you certainly do not need to have read the other books.

Now, what are the critics saying? Kirkus calls the book:  “A fresh twist on an old sea myth, complete with magic, intrigue, and plenty of old-school adventures.” From an Amazon reviewer YouThere: “Peters successfully delivers a richly detailed and intriguing version of the origins of Poseidon and Cleito. Highly recommended for fans of Greek mythology and vivid storytelling.”

No word yet from the New York Times or Booklist, but hey, it’s early.

You can pick up the book for the very reasonable price of $5.99 from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo or iBooks.

And…if you missed out on Poseidon Week this past August, here’s some extras and backstory about the book!

It’s #PoseidonWeek at andrewjpeterswrites.com

Visual inspiration for Poseidon and Cleito

Exclusively for #PoseidonWeek: An excerpt from the story

#PoseidonWeek: Poseidon through the ages





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